NOMAD Stellar Alliance: Ships of the Greys

Posted: 2024-07-07
Last Modified: 2024-10-21
Word Count: 1282
Tags: ftl-nomad rpg settings

Table of Contents

WARNING: This is a WORK IN PROGRESS. See the enclosing directory for more about NOMAD Stellar Alliance.

Part of the NOMAD: Stellar Alliance series, using Faster Than Light: Nomad by Stellagama Publishing.

(Inspired by Stellagama Publishing’s UFOs.)

Page references are to Spacecraft Go! (SCG) or Faster Than Light: Nomad (FTLN).

About the Grays

The Greys or “Grays” have possessed FTL long before humanity, and according to uncorroborated reports have visited Earth in the past.

While other civilizations have built a variety of ships (some documented in System Ships of Alliance Space and Faster Than Light: Nomad pp 147-157), the various Grey tribes have consistently built their distinctive saucer-like and cigar-shaped craft, to the exclusion of all other designs. That and their distinctive biology suggests that both they and their technology originate from some as yet undiscovered home world.

Independent Grey Ship Classes

Technology Level: Late Interstellar

Cetani, Jhi, and Tsi ships have mostly been retrofitted with Alliance Standard (Early Galactic) FTL Engines, but the Xetani Raiders and the Qutani “Empire” still use Late Interstellar technology.

Saucer 0

This pod-sized saucer provides an escape capsule for the captain of a larger ship, with better control.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Pod 1 wk 2/4 0.5 - +3
base 12 hrs 2/4 1 0.5 1d6 +4
steps -2 +1 +1
cost +20% -10% -10% +0%

Travel Multiplier: x1

Modifications: None

Cost: 60,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 4660 Cr

Saucer I

The basis for the legend of “foo fighters”, these nimble craft run rings around many other species’ fighters. Their main flaw is that they cannot fight for more than a day without refueling and maintenance.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Micro 1 day 14/17 1 - 4d6 +4
base 1 day 7/9 1 2 2d6 +4
steps -1 +2 -1 -1+1
cost +20% -10% +20% -10% +20%

Travel Multiplier: x1.5


Cost: 700,000 + 25% = 840,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 7200 Cr

Saucer II

Saucers this size act as scouts, surveyors, and in some cases infiltrators.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Small 1 wk 14/17 3 8 4d6 +3
base 1 wk 14/17 3 8 4d6 +3
steps 0
cost +20% +20%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 2,500,000 + 20% = 3,000,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 22,500 Cr

Saucer III

While this class of saucer has seen many uses over the years, these days it’s mostly used as a trading vessel for independent traders within a single star system. (Unless they can hitch a ride on a Mothership.)

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Scout 1 mo 18/21 4 16 4d6 +2
base 1 mo 18/21 4 16 5d6 +2
steps +1 -1
cost -10% +20% +10%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 8,000,000 + 10% = 9,600,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 39,000 Cr


While the Frigate abandons the Tractor/Pressor Beam and the characteristic saucer shape, its vaguely ovoid shape has remained consistent for centuries even in widely dispersed Grey tribes.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Picket 3 mos 21/24 10 32 6d6 +1
base 3 mos 21/24 10 32 6d6 +2
steps +1 -1 0
cost -10% +10% 0

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 28,000,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 98,000 Cr


While the mothership mainly acts as a carrier for Saucer I, Saucer II, or Saucer III it also possesses formidable guns and armor, should a fight break out.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Carrier 4 yrs 35/39 300 500 10d6 -2
base 4 yrs 35/39 300 500 10d6 -2
steps 0 0
cost +10% +10%

Travel Multiplier: x1.5


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost
Med Bay (SCG 18) 4 15 60 150,000
Workshop (SCG 26) 10 1 10 50,000
Saucer 0 2 1 2 60,000
Saucer I 8 20 160 16,800,000
Saucer II 24 8 196 30,000,000
Saucer III 64 1 64 9,600,000
subtotal 482
extra space 18
TOTAL 500 46,660,000

Cost: 4,000,000,000 + 10% + 46,660,000 = 4,446,660,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 4,600,000 + (125,000 - 500,000) = 4,225,000 Cr

Alliance Grey Ship Classes

Technology Level: Early Galactic

When available, the FTL Engines in the ships above have been upgraded to a higher Technology Age.

Some ships have been overhauled more dramatically.

Saucer III AR

This version of the Saucer III uses a state-of-the-art Alliance FTL Engine and introduces automation.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Scout 1 mo 18/21 3 16 4d6 +2
base 1 mo 18/21 4 16 5d6 +2
steps +1 +1 -2
cost -10% +40% +30%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 8,000,000 + 30% = 10,400,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 39,000 Cr

Frigate AR

Even the humble Frigate gained an Alliance refit, to add automation, cargo space, and amenities.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Picket 3 mos 21/24 4 64 6d6 +1
base 3 mos 21/24 10 32 6d6 +2
steps +1 -1 +1 -1 0
cost +5% -10% +20% +25%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost
Escape Capsules (SCG 19) 0.25 4 1 40,000
Med Bay (SCG 18) 4.00 1 4 10,000
subtotal 5
extra space 59
TOTAL 64 50,000

Cost: 28,000,000 + 25% + 50,000 = 35,050,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 98,000 Cr

Mothership AR

While the Cetani lack Motherships entirely, the Ji and Tsi have taken advantage of their Provisional Member status to upgrade their Motherships to the latest Alliance Technology.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Carrier 4 yrs 35/39 200 500 10d6 -2
base 4 yrs 35/39 300 500 10d6 -2
steps +1 -1
cost +50% +50%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost
Escape Capsules (SCG 19) 0.25 200 50 2,000,000
Med Bay (SCG 18) 4.00 20 80 200,000
Workshop (SCG 26) 10.00 1 10 50,000
Saucer I 8.00 20 160 16,800,000
Saucer II 24.00 8 192 24,000,000
subtotal 492
extra space 8
TOTAL 500 43,050,000

Cost: 4,000,000,000 + 20% + 43,050,000 = 6,000,000,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 4,600,000 + (125,000 - 500,000) = 4,225,000 Cr

Appendix: Summary of Grey Fleets

Below is a list of known Grey tribes, their relationship to the Alliance, and which ships they currently maintain.

Tribe Alliance I II III F MS III-AR F-AR MS-AR Tech Age
Cetani Full X X X Early Galactic
Jhi Provisional X X X X X Early Galactic
Qutani Associate X X X X X Late Interstellar
Tsi Provisional X X X X X Early Galactic
Xetani None X X X X Late Interstellar
Name of Cetani tribe
Status within the Stellar Alliance
Saucer Class.
Saucer III Alliance Refit.
Frigate Alliance Refit.
Mothership Alliance Refit
Tech Age:
Tribe’s current Technological Age.