NOMAD Stellar Alliance: Ships of Alliance Space

Posted: 2024-06-30
Last Modified: 2024-11-18
Word Count: 1396
Tags: ftl-nomad rpg settings

Table of Contents

WARNING: This is a WORK IN PROGRESS. See the enclosing directory for more about NOMAD Stellar Alliance.

Part of the NOMAD: Stellar Alliance series, using Faster Than Light: Nomad by Stellagama Publishing.

Page references are to Spacecraft Go! (SCG) or Faster Than Light: Nomad (FTLN).

Stellar Alliance Exploration Fleet

Technology Age: Early Galactic

These are the three primary ship classes of the Exploration Fleet, plus two shuttle classes. The Merchant Fleet, Peacekeeping Fleet, and various system defense fleets have their own classes of ships.


The exemplar of the Exploration Fleet, the Explorer has a Cruiser hull to accomodate scientific, diplomatic, and military needs at the same time.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Cruiser 1 yr 25/28 50 125 7d6 +0
base 1 yr 29/33 100 125 8d6 +0
steps +1 +1 +1 -3 0
cost -10% -10% +70% +50%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost (Cr)
Escape Capsules (SCG 19) 0.25 50 12.50 500,000
FTL Relay Pod 2.00 5 10.00 720,000
Laboratory (SCG 26) - Xenology1 10.00 1 10.00 50,000
Med Bay (SCG 18) 4.00 6 24.00 60,000
Shuttle 24.00 2 48.00 6,500,000
Workshop (SCG 26) 5.00 1 5.00 10,000
TOTAL 109.50 7,840,000

Cost: 350,000,000 + 50% + 7,840,000 = 534,840,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 875,000 Cr

Science Ship

Smaller Science Ships often follow in the wake of Explorers to examine the wonders uncovered during surveys and deep space missions. Science Ships carry less armor and armaments than Explorers but more sensitive sensor arrays.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Picket 1 yr 18/21 4 (6) 64 4d6 +0
base 3 mos 21/24 10 32 6d6 +2
steps -2 +1 -1 -1 +2 +2 -1 0
cost +20% -10% +10% +5% -20% -20% +55% +50%

Travel Multiplier: x1.5


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost
Escape Capsules (SCG 19) 0.25 10 2.50 100,000
Laboratory (SCG 26) - Astrometrics 10.00 1 10.00 50,000
Laboratory (SCG 26) - Xenobiology 10.00 1 10.00 50,000
Shuttle 24.00 1 24.00 3,250,000
TOTAL 46.50 3,450,000

Cost: 28,000,000 + 50% + 3,450,000 = 45,450,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 98,000 Cr

Support Ship

While the Explorers do glamourous and dangerous First Contact missions, Support Ships perform follow-up Second Contact missions: settle the details of Alliance associate membership, provide personnel and supplies agreed to during First Contact, ferry disaster relief resources to stricken worlds, install and maintain FTL Telegraph relays, etc.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Destroyer 6 mos 21/24 10 (15) 64 6d6 +0
base 6 mos 25/28 25 64 7d6 +1
steps +1 -1 +1 +1 -2 0
cost -10% +10% -10% -10% +100% +70%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cargo Spaces Number Total Cost
Escape Capsules (SCG 19) 0.25 10 2.50 100,000
Med Bay (SCG 18) 4.00 3 12.00 30,000
Shuttle 24.00 2 48.00 3,250,000
TOTAL 62.00 3,380,000

Cost: 100,000,000 + 70% + 3,380,000 = 173,380,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 264,000 - (75,000 x 2) = 236,500 Cr

Shuttle I

An updated version of the workhorse Shuttle (See FTL:N p 148), this version features automation and better armor. Critics call it “the flying brick”

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Small 1 wk 14/17 1 (9) 8 2d6 +2
base 1 wk 14/17 3 8 4d6 +3
steps -3 +1 +1 +1 0
cost +30% -10% -10% +20% +30%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 2,500,000 + 30% = 3,250,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 22,500 - (1875 - 50%) = 21,563 Cr

Shuttle II

Some mission profiles require a faster FTL-capable Shuttle II instead of the standard Shuttle I. One can thus move cargo and personnel to systems a single transit away.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Small 1 wk 7/9 1(2) 2 2d6 +2
base 1 wk 14/17 3 8 4d6 +3
steps +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -3 0
cost -10% +10% -5% -10% -10% +20% -5%

Travel Multiplier: x0.75


Cost: 2,500,000 - 5% = 2,375,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 22,500 + (7000) = 29,500 Cr

Shuttle III

A slower version of the Shuttle II, able to take more passengers. Used for missions where moving people is a priority.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Small 1 wk 14/17 1(9) 2 2d6 +2
base 1 wk 14/17 3 8 4d6 +3
steps -3 +1 +1 +1 +0 0
cost +30% -5% -10% -10% +20% +25%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cost: 2,500,000 + 25% = 3,125,000 Cr

Monthly Cost: 22,500 Cr

Algolian Spacers

Technological Age: Early Interstellar

Colony Ship

Algolian fleets protect their Colony Ships to the death, as that’s where much of their population lives.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Carrier 8 yrs 29/33 300 (4500) 250 8d6 -2
base 4 yrs 35/39 300 500 10d6 -2
steps -1 +2 -4 +1 +2 +0 0
cost +10% -20% +40% - +20% +50%

Travel Multiplier: x2


Cargo Spaces Number Total
Fighter 8 18 144
Shuttle 24 4 96
Torpedo 0.125 80 10

Cost: 4 billion + 50% = 6 billion Cr. (est.)

Monthly Cost: 1,000,000 + (3,000,000 - 50%) + 1,200,000 + 5,000,000 = 3,200,000 Cr


See “Gunship” from FTL:N p 150


See “Defense Fighter” from FTL:N p 148


See “Merchant” from FTL:N p 149.

Draconian Empire

Technological Age: Late Interstellar

Note: Names are Terran nicknames, not Draconian


See “Defense Fighter” from FTL:N p 148.


Some view the “Dragon” as emblematic of the Draconians as the Explorer is to the Alliance. Shady cultural comparisons aside, the Dragon is a truly dangerous ship: it opens up with a salvo of missiles then closes in with standard guns to eradicate its target. Unlike most Imperial ships it’s meant explicitly for space combat, with only a token force of Draconian soldiers.

Hull Type End. Armor Crew Cargo Guns Agility Mods Total
Cruiser 6 mos 32/35 100 8 8d6 +2
base 1 yr 29/33 100 125 8d6 +0
steps +1 -1 +4 -2 -2 0
cost -10% +20% -15% +20% +10% 20%

Travel Multiplier: x1


Cargo: 64 Star Torps (SCG p 25) = 8 slots (no extra space)

Cost: 350,000,000 + 25% + 64 x 50,000 = 440,700,000 Cr

Maintenance Cost: = 875,000 Cr


Use a “Force Transport” from FTL:N p 151


Use an “Assault” ship from FTL:N p 151

  1. Multidisciplinary studies in xenobiology, xenoarchaeology, xenolinguistics, etc. Good for general analysis, but not so good for complicated problems. ↩︎