‘Faster Than Light: Nomad’ Robot Generation

Posted: 2024-08-02
Last Modified: 2024-08-21
Word Count: 1739
Tags: ftl-nomad rpg

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2024-08-21: Upgrades moved to Robot Upgrades.

Yet more Faster Than Light: Nomad.

Having tried my hand at ships (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7), I’m now going to make a few robots.

(Note: Most of this is self-plagiarism.)


Technology Age: Late Atomic

This is the clunky cylindrical robot from innumerable Republic serials and low-budget movies. Perfect for the mad scientist on a budget.

Tobor the Robot

TOBOR’s Construction

Section Description Notes Cost
Chassis Large: bear-sized Dur 18, Pro 6 20,000
Brain Limited 500
Arms Work Arms x2 Dam 1d6 2,000
Upgrades Night Visor 600
Subtotal 23,100
Locomotor Two legs human speed, 10km/hr +10%
TOTAL 25,410

TOBOR’s Specs

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Large 18 6 Two legs, normal movement Limited Combat 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Two Work Arms with crude grippers: +1D6 when lifting, 1d6 in melee, can grapple.


Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Looking distressingly like a giant mechanical spider, these robots diagnose ilnesses, administer drugs, and perform surgery like a real doctor. They almost never make mistakes. Almost.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Small 10 4 Multiple legs: human pace, can climb walls Low S.I. Knowledge 2, Physical 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Bioscanner, Database (General Medicine), Expert System (Medic Talent), Medikit, Multipurpose Arms x3

Cost: 39,240 Cr

Autodoc’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Small 6,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Multipurpose Arms x3 7,500
Bioscanner 10,000
Medikit 200
Database (General Medicine) 2,000
Expert System (Medic Talent) 5,000
Subtotal 32,700
Locomotor Multiple legs +20%
TOTAL 39,240

Shipmind Mk. I

Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Even the best automation only gets a ship (and crew) so far. Many small vessels save on crew by wiring a Simulated Intelligence directly into the ship. It uses its Electronic Interface to control the ship directly. The control panel has a switch to disconnect the Shipmind if it misbehaves.

Role Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Gunner Tiny 6 2 None Low S.I. Combat 2, Vehicles 1
Pilot Tiny 6 2 None Low S.I. Combat 1, Vehicles 2
Sensors Tiny 6 2 None Low S.I. Technical 2, Vehicles 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface

Cost: 7,350 Cr

Shipmind Mk I’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Tiny 8,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 10,500
Locomotor No legs -30%
TOTAL 7,350

Shipmind Mk. II

Technology Age: Late Interstellar

This advanced version of the Shipmind can handle both Pilot and Gunner roles equally well.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Tiny 6 2 None High S.I. Combat 2, Vehicles 2

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface, Expert System (Ace Pilot Talent)

Cost: 11,900 Cr

Shipmind Mk II’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Small 8,000
Brain High Simulated Intelligence 3,500
Electronic Interface 500
Expert System (Ace Pilot Talent) 5,000
Subtotal 17,000
Locomotor No legs -30%
TOTAL 11,900

Shipmind Mk. III

Technology Age: Late Interstellar

Another version of the Shipmind allows the user to choose which skills the Shipmind possesses. The user plugs in a set of chips the sum of whose skill ratings do not exceed 4, e.g. Combat 2, Technical 0, Vehicles 2 or Combat 2, Technical 1, Vehicles 1.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Small 10 4 None High S.I. total 4, see above

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface, Skill Board, Skill Chips: Combat 0/1/2, Technical 0/1/2, Vehicles 0/1/2

Cost: 13,025 Cr

Shipmind Mk III’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Small 6,000
Brain High Simulated Intelligence 3,500
Electronic Interface 500
Skill Board 1,750
Subtotal 11,750
Locomotor No legs -30%
TOTAL 8,225
Skill Chips:
- Combat 0 100
- Combat 1 500
- Combat 2 1,000
- Technical 0 100
- Technical 1 500
- Technical 2 1,000
- Vehicles 0 100
- Vehicles 1 500
- Vehicles 2 1,000
TOTAL w/ all Chips 13,025

Mechanic Bot

Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Many automated ships replace their human mechanics with squads (or swarms) of Mechanic Bots. While able to operate autonomously, Mechanic Bots benefit enormously from being networked to the ship’s central computer.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Small 10 4 Multiple legs: human pace, can climb walls Low S.I. Knowledge 1, Technical 2

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface, Laser Welder, Multipurpose Arms x3, Multiscanner

Cost: 32,400 Cr

Mechanic Bot’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Small 6,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Multipurpose Arms x3 7,500
Laser Welder 6,000
Multiscanner 5,000
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 27,000
Locomotor Multiple legs +20%
TOTAL 32,400

Elite Engineer Robot

Technology Age: Early Galactic

The Elite Robotics Company introduced this line of robots before the moratorium on A.I. research and the recognition of A.I.s as a distinct species with inalienable sapient rights. However, the robots had already sunk the company with their “dangerously” independent behavior.

The statistics below represent their “engineer” model, an attempt to corner the Mechanic Bot market.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Medium 14 6 Two legs: human pace Low A.I. Knowledge 1, Physical 1, Technical 2, Vehicle 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface, Expert System (Rigger Talent), Humaniform Manipulators x2, Multiscanner, Omnitool

Cost: 40,150 Cr

Elite Engineer Robot’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Medium 10,000
Brain Low Artificial Intelligence 5,000
Humaniform Manipulators x2 10,000
Multiscanner 5,000
Omnitool 1,000
Electronic Interface 500
Expert System (Rigger Talent) 5,000
Subtotal 36,500
Locomotor Two legs +10%
TOTAL 40,150

Myrmidon Sniper

Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Little more than a gun mounted on a quadrupedal robot body, the Robot Sniper’s deadly aim and ability to climb up to any perch makes it far more dangerous than it looks.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Small 10 8 Multiple legs: human pace, can climb Low S.I. Combat 2, Physical 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Armor (4), Electronic Interface, Night Visor, Sniper Rifle (3D+3, Scope), Weapon Mount for Rifle

Cost: 17,280 Cr

Myrmidon Sniper’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Small 6,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Weapon Mount x1 500
Night Visor 600
Sniper Rifle 800
Armor (4) 4,000
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 14,400
Locomotor Multiple legs +20%
TOTAL 17,280

Myrmidon Soldier

Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Robot Soldiers are eerie humanoid robots able to use any equipment that a human soldier might. Their limited intelligence makes them unsuited for guard duty – since telling friend from foe requires human-like intelligence – but placed on a battlefield and told to shoot anything not them is well within their capabilities.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Medium 14 8 Two legs: human pace Low S.I. Combat 2, Physical 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Armor (4), Electronic Interface, Humaniform Manipulators x2, Night Visor, Pulse Rifle (3D+3, Auto)

Cost: 32,670 Cr

Myrmidon Soldier’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Medium 10,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Humaniform Manipulators x2 10,000
Night Visor 600
Pulse Rifle 1,000
Armor (4) 5,600
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 29,700
Locomotor Two legs +10%
TOTAL 32,670

Myrmidon Squad Leader

Technology Age: Late Interstellar

The already controversial Myrmidon line of war robots garnered even more bad press after several friendly fire incidents involving human troops. To mitigate this, Myrmidon added an advanced simulated intelligence called the Myrmidon Squad Leader. While far more expensive than the Sniper or Soldier models, one Squad Leader can coordinate a squad of lesser robots to perform sophisticated tactics … and enhance the robots’ friend-or-foe recognition.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Large 18 12 Tracks: human speed High S.I. Combat 2, Social 2

Upgrades and Equipment: Armor (6), Electronic Interface, Night Visor, Omnicomm, Support Laser (5D AV 3D+1, Bulky), Weapon Mount (Heavy) for Laser

Cost: 41,500

Myrmidon Squad Leader’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Large 20,000
Brain High Simulated Intelligence 3,500
Weapon Mount (Heavy) 1,000
Night Visor 600
Omnicomm 100
Support Laser 5,000
Armor (6) 10,800
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 41,500
Locomotor Tracks +0%
TOTAL 41,500

Robotworks Guardian

Technology Age: Early Interstellar

Many corporate and civilian institutions set automated guards to apprehend tresspassers. The Guardian line notoriously gets a little … aggressive when pursuing its duties.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Medium 14 6 Wheels: human pace, double on open ground Low S.I. Combat 1, Physical 2

Upgrades and Equipment: Armor (2), Electronic Interface, Integral Weapon: Stunner (3D+1 stun), Night Visor, Omnicomm, Tentacles x2,

Cost: 18,990 Cr

Robotworks Guardian’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Medium 10,000
Brain Low Simulated Intelligence 2,000
Tentacles x2 3,000
Integral Weapon 1,500
- Stunner 600
Night Visor 600
Omnicomm 100
Armor (2) 2,800
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 21,100
Locomotor Tracks -10%
TOTAL 18,990

Hyperion Assistant

Technology Age: Late Interstellar

The Hyperion Assistant robot provides busy executives with a personal assistant who won’t take coffee breaks or days off.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Medium 14 4 Two legs: human pace High S.I. Knowledge 2, Physical 1, Social 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Electronic Interface, Humaniform Manipulators x2, Omnicomm

Cost: 26,510

Hyperion Assistant’s Construction

Section Description Cost
Chassis Medium 10,000
Brain High Simulated Intelligence 3,500
Humaniform Manipulators x2 10,000
Omnicomm 100
Electronic Interface 500
Subtotal 24,100
Locomotor Two legs +10%
TOTAL 26,510

Hyperion Executive Assistant

Technology Age: Early Galactic

The rumored Hyperion “Executive Assistant” adds sophisticated intelligence to create a bodyguard (or assassin) for executives with lots of enemies. Hyperion denies building any of these for their “special clients”.

Size Durability Protection Speed Brain Skills
Medium 14 8 Two legs: human pace Low A.I. Combat 1, Knowledge 1, Physical 1, Social 1, Stealth 1

Upgrades and Equipment: Advanced Cyberarms (3D damage, +2D brute strength), Advanced Cyberlegs (Runner Talent), Armor (4), Cybernetic Eyes (Night Vision, flash protection), Electronic Interface, Expert System (Bodyguard Talent), Integral Weapon: Laser Pistol (3D), Omnicomm

Cost: 122,870 Cr

Section Description Cost
Chassis Medium 10,000
Brain Low Artificial Intelligence 5,000
Advanced Cyberarms 20,000
Integral Weapon: 1,500
- Laser Pistol 1,500
Advanced Cyberlegs 50,000
Cybernetic Eyes 7,500
Omnicomm 100
Armor (4) 5,600
Electronic Interface 500
Expert System (Bodyguard) 5,000
Self-Repair 5,000
Subtotal* 111,700
Locomotion Two Legs +10%
TOTAL 122,870

Appendix: New Upgrades

Moved to Robot Upgrades.